Building Supplies

Concrete Durability

High-quality concrete

The durability of concrete constructions is estimated between 50 to 100 years attributed to the rock-like features concrete provides. Unfortunately, nowadays some structures rapidly deteriorate for different reasons, which significantly increases maintenance’s cost over time. Therefore, your one-stop-shop prepared this article to provide you with some useful tips to expand the life-span of your structures.

It is essential to understand that different constructions demand different needs, in terms of durability. A structure that is exposed to external agents like rain, wind and sunlight requires different proportions, ingredients, and curing techniques compared to an indoors structure.

Besides, elements such as ultraviolet rays, freezing, thawing, and high concentration of sulphates in soil/water can totally damage a construction,


  1. Consider conditions: Having a comprehensive idea of all the conditions will allow you to think about the mix that best adapts to such conditions.
  2. Joints: They are the weak points in construction. You need to make sure that joints have adequate waterproof systems as water often finds its way through joints, which corrodes reinforcing steel. At present, Crystalline technology has proven to provide the most effective long-term protection for joints.
  3. Low Permeability: One common aspect that the best concrete mixes share is that they all have low permeability/water exposure.
  4. Adequate curing: For proper strength development concrete should be cured in temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius. Also, it is of foremost importance to keep cement hydrated and to prevent concrete from drying, cracking, and shrinking, especially during the first few days. This will extend the structure’s lifespan.
  5. Avoid voids and rock pockets: These two factors make difficult the consolidation of cement into a solid mass. Consequently, thorough vibration is key to tackle these issues. It is equally important to avoid standing water before pouring the cement, and that you do not move it large distances after pouring.

To learn more about concrete structures, best practices, and some additional tips to extend the durability of concrete in your next project; give us a call and talk to one of our specialists at 07 3281 8144, or visit to see all the products, tools, and equipment we have in store. All you need at your one-stop-shop!

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