Click & Collect
What exactly happens after ordering?
Once we have received your order we will start organising your items into our designated Click and Collect Area. If any items are going to take longer than 48hrs to get, you will be notified by a staff member. Once your order is ready you will receive a text and email, please do not come in before you call to check or receive a ready for collection email.
When you arrive to the Haggarty Group park in the Carpark and proceed to Click & Collect Counter.
When can you pick up your click and collect order
We aim to have all orders ready within 48hrs. If any items need to be ordered in we will contact you.
Once your order is ready for collection you will receive a text and email to the details you used for your order.
Where do you pick your order up from
Our Address Is: 347-349 Brisbane St, West Ipswich